EverGlide® MED family of polymer compounds offer best-in-class friction control and lubricity while balancing physical properties and medical compliance. EverGlide® MED compounds leverage our proprietary additive technology which effectively lowers the coefficient of friction while maintaining critical properties and processability. The resulting compound is easily processed in conventional equipment and offers permanent, non-migratory solution for high lubricity.
The versatility of EverGlide® MED allows it to be used in almost any polymer and in combination with colors and or fillers like barium sulfate, tungsten, bismuth trioxide and others. Polymers ranging from polyolefins, TPUs, PEBAs, nylons, fluorpolymers, PPSU, PEI and PEEK can be modified with the EverGlide® MED technology. Medical devices made with EverGlide® MED are ETO and steam sterilizable and the products are ISO 10993 and USP Class VI capable.
Designed for use in medical tubing, lumens and catheters, EverGlide® MED compounds increase lubricity and lower pulling force which allows for elimination of hydrophilic coatings.